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LOGIN or Apply for a stall

2024-2025 Season Bookings Now Open!

All stallholders must apply through our 
online booking system. 
Book & pay for a single market, regular dates or for the whole season.

Step 1. Create an account & await approval (approval sent via email)
Step 2. Once approved, you can login to the booking system and book & pay for stalls anytime 

Your details are saved so each time you want to book & pay, it's easy!

Payments can be via the online payment in the booking system. FAQ's below!

Other Helpful Documents

Click on the button to download the docs.


Please read the Event Guide/T&C's document as many of your questions may also be answered in the document.


Q. Do I have to use the booking system?

A. Yes, all our bookings are now via the booking system for the Waihi Beach Summer Fair, Tutukaka Twilight Markets, Plantopia and Whangarei Maritime Festival.


Q. Can I book for the whole season? 

A. Yes. All bookings now require payment at the time of booking so you can book a single date or for as many dates as you like.


Q. Can I book & pay for a single market date?

A. Yes :-)


Q. Can I book for a bunch of event dates? 

A. Yes. All bookings now require payment at the time of booking. 


Q. How can I pay?

A. You can pay at the time of booking through the booking system via a credit or debit card. Payments processed through Stripe. Please note there is a 1% fee by the booking system to process payments.

If you are having issues please email 


Q. When do I need to pay for my stall? 

A. The system now only allows for bookings & payments at the same time.


Q. Will I know where my stall will be prior to the event?

A. Yes.The info will be emailed to you prior to the event. You will be emailed site & market info/site info prior to the date.


Q. I need to change my booking

If your booking isn't going to suit to to a change of circumstances/weather etc - please email to request a date change prior to the day of the event. This allows us to make sure the event planning runs smooth & means the site plan + map is made for the bookings. Date swaps unavailable after that time.
*This is for Tutukaka Twilight Markets only. Waihi Beach Summer Fair the date is 1 December each year, Plantopia & Maritime Festival Markets are 1 Aug*


Q. Do I need to include a H&S document?

A. Yes. But only once when you apply initially. You can attach your own H&S doc or use the sample template provided if you don't have one yet. This is part of the Health & Safety laws for NZ. Yes, event stalls are required to have a plan for H&S!





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